Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dad, happy days!

I could hardly believe my eyes when I finished fueling up my car with gas today... almost $70 (average around $40 in the past)!!! With gas price reaching $5/gallon now it is almost impossible to imagine how much it cost back then just less than 7 years ago when I came to the States... less than a dollar (pre-911)! So with inflation almost out of control these days I was just talking with a friend that one's financial strategy now is not just how much one can save but how much more one can earn to offset the increasing living costs.

Nevertheless I am glad to say I am at peace and I feel loved this past week. I am thankful and indebted to the couple people who helped me through the challenging days especially from work. You know who you are. :)

Finally my shout to dad for a happy Father's Day! I'll make up for the meal I missed when I'm back soon...

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