Sunday, February 24, 2008


After this skit, I like Huckabee now. Quite smart and funny. If I were to vote he could have been the one just based on this.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy times...

I'm an uncle! These out-of-the-world super adorable twins are actually my cousin's. And happy 40th anniversary, mom and dad!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

When everything turns red...

First of all don't get me wrong, this is not meant to be China-bashing being Chinese myself but I think we do need to be honest with ourselves when it comes to certain important issues.

Back in high school my least favorite subject was Chinese history and I totally sucked at it. It is not that I hated the subject but it was the way it was presented was totally uninspiring and dull. These days I have been studying quite a bit and have taken a good look and thinking about what have happened especially in the past 50 or so years in the "motherland". I am fascinated at the turn of the events but at the same time many of the things are plain depressing.
Maoist cult, the Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, June-Fourth, corruption, pollution, human rights, SARS, Darfur, AIDS, economic disparity, religious freedom, news censorship, industrial hazards, peasant uprising... the list goes on and on that all the problems past and present cannot be covered under the disguise of "economic prosperity and social stability". I just hope everyone can take the courage to face the naked truth of what really is going on and what matters most to both individuals and the nation as a whole. I applaud Spielberg for his courage to use his power and influence to step up and tell the truth. Even my favorite grocery store Trader Joe's is doing something about it. It just gives me chills to see the big red Communist China become the next superpower while it preserves many of its irrational mentality, ideology, and behavior from the past. All we can do is to keep our fingers crossed things can improve when people are enlightened, especially with the free flow of information on the internet and the advancement of technology...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Monday, February 04, 2008

You drive me crazy...

I'm in a relatively good mood now (see below for explanation) and so I got something quite funny here...

I stumbled on this Pizza Hut commercial from Hong Kong...
And then I see a connection with this one...

So hilarious!!! Ok I started my German class today. On top of learning a new European language in preparation for my dream vacation to Europe, I am more interested in learning how to be a better language teacher from a student's perspective. I highly recommend every language teacher to do so especially when they are teaching. Now I have more sympathy on my poor students in class. I didn't expect to be this nervous going back into the classroom and start learning a foreign language from scratch. It's a huge class with 40 students but quite fun nevertheless. I might start writing something in German in the near future...

Speaking of language learning I found this amazing and I am going to introduce it to my students tomorrow. Serious!
Take anything you want! Take anything you want! It's stuck in my head now! Gosh!

I have a bad case of DIARHHEA!!! :D

Alright, the reason I'm happy today is a "bad case" on my work issue has been resolved. What happened is the USCIS totally messed up with my work document that I almost lost my job last week. Very scary. I am glad my employer stepped up and get some "big dog" involved and get it fixed in a short time. The lesson learned is that I used to think paper work especially in the bureacracy context is a bad bad thing but now I realize proper record keeping and documentation is crucial and sometimes can save one's life. So now whenever I fill out a seemingly important form or any significant document I receive I immediately make a (some times several) copy/ies of it. It is exactly the copies of a certain document and letter that saved me. Whew, what a close call it was. Anyways I am happy now and I can go to bed and have a good sleep...

Hasta la vista, baby! Or auf Wiedersehen! :)