Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I am so relieved after messing up three, yes THREE! of my portable storage devices (two flash drives and my PaiPod!) that I somehow managed to retrieve or rediscover my precious pictures. I think I have more than one too many lessons learned the hard way: NEVER UNPLUGGED YOUR DRIVES WHEN THEY ARE NOT READY!!!

These are some of my favorite pictures over the years that I was able to salvage:
I love this picture that my family is trapped in this rather scary looking ride in hindsight!

One of the countless birthday pictures we took when we were little. I was soooo tiny!

With Patrick, Victor, and another HKYA (can't remember his name). I was in the Hong Kong Young Ambassadors (I guess I am destined to be a YA no matter where I go!) program before heading to Utah as an exchange student. Does Victor look like a pop star? He is Kelly Chan's brother! And I guess he is still (struggling to be) a pop singer in HK...

Here is the infamous picture... guys wearing sequins! It is the Encore Showchoir of the Salt Lake Institute. My leg was literally shaking as we'd been in that pose for half an hour or so. Those poor girls in the back kept falling and screaming while we were taking the picture!

The Salt Lake Institute Concert Choir (SLICC)

Singing at the Salt Lake Tabernacle. See who those people at the bottom are? One of them is President Hinckley!

This was my favorite baptism on my mission. It was one of those miracle baptisms in a short time out of nowhere. I GQed the man on the street and he was a communist member who turned down our invitation but he brought his wife to church and she was baptized in a week that she was so happy with her newly found religion. Too bad the magnificent chapel is no longer a church anymore (see my post on the Sun Yat-Sen Museum).

Macau the wonderland!

The crazy mission choir. I almost died doing it.

Graduating from the Chinese U of HK with my college buddies.

Swinging with Emily at a dancesport competition at the Y. We went pretty far and almost reached the semi-final but we got eliminated because we went to the dance floor late as I was busy talking with a friend that we missed the announcement! It was fun though and look at how our outfit matched!

Closing ceremony of the 2002 Salt Lake Olympic Games. I think everyone should at least experience the Olympics once in their lifetime!

Singing for the Beijing Olympic Committee members' visit to Salt Lake City with Benji and Becca. The Chinese girl in the front represents Beijing and the Child of Light on the right performed at the ceremonies for the Salt Lake Games in 2002.

This is real! It's Stephen Chow to my left as I interpreted for him when he was promoting his Kung Fu Hustle at the Sundance Film Festival. I got to hang out with him for two days and he really is a funny guy but in a more subtle manner. On the right is the PR lady Alison and on the far left is a new director from Beijing Lu Chuan who was the first Mainland Chinese director ever winning the Golden Horse in Taiwan. I interpreted for him as well and he is an extremely nice gentleman. It was such a lifetime eye-opening experience.

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