Sunday, April 20, 2008

Go with the flux...

I'm well known as a (late)night person which explains why I often look sleepy and tired. It comes from our family habits and traditions back home since the city never sleeps and I often enjoy the "freedom" that we can still do whatever we want without sun rays. As one grows older I realize the drawbacks of sleep deprivation and the risk of fighting against the nature of our "bio-clock". I read from different sources lately on the correlation of sleep/light and diabetes along with cancers. The picture above shows the "light pollution" which pretty much coincides with distribution of the world energy consumption. Studies show that the "brighter"/more developed the area is the more incidents of cancers can be found. One suggestion is people should use more natural light rather than man-made light at night. This really is a wake up call to many of us. When the world begins to focus on environmental issues people should also think more about making our own bodies to be in tuned with the nature as well.

And quotes/thoughts for the day:

"Most of us do not accept, or even believe in, the continual flux of life. However strange this may seem, once we truly accept this at a physical level, we will not need to search for certainty... As you tackle the tribulations of life, insight helps you refrain from taking yourself, your challenges, and life itself too seriously, because you will know that no matter what situation you are in, good or bad, it will change. This insight into the changing nature of the world will give you equanimity and joy" (p 60).
-Kamal Sarma in Mental Resilience: The Power of Clarity (New World Library)

"Every obstacle is just an invitation to relax."

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