Read this article the other day and liked it.
人生的三件事 The Three Matters of Life 人世間的事情看起來很紛雜,沒頭緒。 但是, 如果我們細細的把它分門別類,其實人生只有三件事:「自己的事」、 「別人的事」、 「老天爺的事」。
Things in this world seem to be complicated and have no solution. However, if we carefully categorize them, there are in fact only three matters in life: "your own business", "other's business", and "God's business".
"Your own business" of course refers to anything that relates to your life, such as work, food, sleep, feelings, etc. which are things that one controls; "other's business" means things irrelevant to you, like "Will loves to brag", "Jack loves poker", etc. which are maneuvered by others; "God's business" are natural disasters, tragedy of man, earthquakes, tsunami, fate, and so on. They are governed by heavens and God.
Nevertheless, the roots of trouble of man often are "forgetting your own business", "enjoying other's business", "worrying about God's business". Here are some examples: forgetting to evaluate yourself and your responsibility; enjoying gossiping about others and overstepping into others' lives; and worrying about the unpredictables like the danger at work and the possibility of accidents when one travels.
These three matters of life are often the root of our troubles, so it is crucial for us how to balance these three acts in our lives.
I think we should "manage our own business", "ignore others' business" (not meaning ignoring crimes like murder and arsenal), and "things governed by the heavens should be taken as they are".
Troubles are often self fulfilled. If you do not give yourself troubles, others cannot force them upon you. The real cause of troubles is that you cannot let go. Whenever you are troubled, you need to first distinguish if it is "your own business", "other's business", or "God's business". Once you know how to handle it, then you can easily and promptly readjust from your blues.
文/晨晨 Written by Chenchen and translated by Raymond Pai