Sunday, May 20, 2007


I don't know if I messed up my computer yesterday or the computer is messing me up now. I was in a panic mode this morning that my computer died. I actually had a bad vibe yesterday that I should have all my files backed up as the machine was showing signs of retirement. Last time when my thumb drive storage device died I was lucky enough to follow my gut feelings to back up my files the day before and otherwise the YA supertitles that I had been working on would have been gone. This time I barely lucked out again that after a half day of "resuscitation" I finally got my computer going and now I face the formidable project of backing up ALL my files before I get a new computer of my own. Not too long ago I was asked "What is your biggest fear?" (in the context of relationships though, I will leave that for later in the future) and I can honestly say my biggest fear at this point is the day my computer dies without backing up any of my files. Now my question is if I should get a new PC laptop (most compatible), a desktop (the cheapest), or a Mac Powerbook (most stable)?

Anyways, on Thursday I had guest #2 come visit Monterey and I showed Wan and her family around a bit.With Wan at 17-mile Drive

Friday was Language Day for our school and I was responsible for part of the cultural display. I liked the festive atmosphere at school. And it was fun to talk to little kids about our culture. Hidden inside a gold piece toy were regular chocolates and those little girls said "Chinese candy is so delicious!" and I had to refrain from laughing out loud. What I actually enjoyed the most was the Indonesian display as I told them about my Indonesian heritage the Indonesian instructors treated me like family! They are some of the nicest people I met.
With the Indonesian teachers in front of the Bali display

This Captain "Tian" totally impressed me with his fluent Chinese, Indonesian, and Japanese!

This has nothing to do with Language Day. I just made Pad Thai on my own tonight and it's been a long while since I last cooked a real meal! Not bad, huh?

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